Review and Publication Process

All submissions go through an editorial and peer review process prior to approval and publication.

Review Process

Your submission will first be reviewed based on the abstract and minimum requirements (word count, scholarly sources, written in the voice of the literature, and overall presentation). If it meets the minimum requirements, it will advance to full editorial review for publication consideration. Two editorial committee members and one peer will review your work within four weeks. You will receive a notification from CGScholar with feedback from your reviewers and any revision requirements.

Publication Process

Once a work has been approved, the author will be notified. Once the publication date arrives, works are published in three ways:

  • Individual multimodal works are published in our online JLDL community on CGSCholar
  • PDF versions of individual articles are published in IDEALS
  • The full journal issue will be posted to this website under the Editions menu.

As a reminder, authors retain rights to their work.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that greater dissemination of research benefits the authors and that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.